Generally we try to host one or two rounds of ArenaX per season. Normally hold one in February and another later in the year. Keep an eye on the events on Facebook.
This is a great weekend! Situated just north of Boundary Bend, on private property sets the mood for some awesome racing time. Riders come from all over as its a great warm up weekend for Finke and Hattah Enduros.
These are held throughout the season, mainly at short notice, especially when there is spare weekends!! If you are keen, let us know. Coaching is available!
Currently we host a round of both the Vic Titles (Senior) and a round of the Northern Regions. We have held the National Titles for two years. Come and check out some Top Named Riders!
Last year we had the pleasure in hosting Quad Vic Titles. To see another type of racing at our track was awesome. Looking forward to seeing them race again.